Cookies policy

Cookies are text files sent to your computer and used by your web browser to store information. The cookies we use allow your browser to remember whether you’ve visited our site before and what your preferences are.

As with most websites we use cookies to improve your user experience by enabling our website to ‘remember you’, either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). There are also use two different types of cookies – first party (which we own) and third party (where we allow a third party, such as Google, to set cookies on your computer or mobile device).

Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences, and generally improving your experience of a website. Cookies make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier. If a website doesn’t use cookies, it will think you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page on the site – for example, when you enter your login details and move to another page it won’t recognise you and it won’t be able to keep you logged in.

1. How to refuse or withdraw consent

Although the cookies we use on this website are quite harmless and do not reveal your identity, not everyone wishes to have text files downloaded onto their computer or mobile device. If you prefer, it is possible to block some or all cookies, or even to delete cookies that have already been set; but you need to be aware that you might lose some functionality on this website.

You can manage how cookies engage with your computer or mobile device via your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Android), so you are alerted when cookies are sent or you can refuse cookies altogether. You can also delete cookies which have already been set.

2. Cookies on our website

Cookie name Duration
  • Supports login by Acuity Scheduling client if the client has an account
  • Cookie
  • January 1, 2025
  • Supports login by Acuity Scheduling client if the client has an account
  • Cookie
  • January 1, 2025
  • Tests if cookies are supported
  • Cookie
  • Expires instantly
  • Tracks browser errors
  • Cookie
  • Four hours
  • Tests if cookies are supported
  • Cookie
  • Expires instantly
  • Helps reduce spam in Acuity Scheduling
  • Local storage
  • No expiry
  • Remembers devices for anti-fraud purposes
  • Cookie
  • Four years
  • Shows when a visitor adds a product to their cart
  • Cookie
  • Two weeks
  • Identifies the correct site for checkout when checkout on your domain is disabled
  • Cookie
  • Session
  • Remembers a logged in Acuity Scheduling client's username between visits
  • Cookie
  • One year
  • Stores the Acuity Scheduling client's username, OAuth2 Access Token, and OAuth2 Refresh Token. This cookie is required for functionality of logged-in clients
  • Cookie
  • 30 days
  • Stores state of checkout while the visitor is completing their order in PayPal
  • sessionstorage
  • Session
  • Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
  • Cookie
  • Session
  • Tells Squarespace that the visitor has a cart
  • Cookie
  • Two weeks
  • Prevents the password-protected screen from displaying if a visitor enters the correct site-wide password.
  • Cookie
  • Session
  • Authenticates a visitor who logs into an order status page.
  • Cookie
  • One year
  • Securely authenticates a visitor during their checkout in Acuity Scheduling
  • Cookie
  • One month
  • Prevents redirect loops if a site has custom URL redirects. Redirect loops are bad for SEO.
  • Cookie
  • 30 minutes
  • Remembers Acuity Scheduling clients login details if they have an account
  • Cookie
  • 365 days
  • Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF) for logged in site users
  • Cookie
  • Three years
  • Identifies a visitor who logs into a customer account
  • Cookie
  • Three years
  • Authenticates a visitor who logs into a customer account
  • Cookie
  • Three years
  • Prevents the announcement bar from displaying if a visitor dismisses it
  • localstorage
  • Persistent
  • Shows when you've already "liked" a blog post
  • localstorage
  • Persistent
  • Prevents the promotional pop-up from displaying if a visitor dismisses it
  • localstorage
  • Persistent
  • Remembers video player selected preferences ( volume, playback speed, and quality) for videos uploaded directly to Squarespace
  • localstorage
  • Persistent
  • Remembers if a visitor agreed to placing analytics cookies on their browser if a site is restricting the placement of cookies
  • Cookie
  • 30 days
  • Ensures that visitors on the Squarespace 5 platform remain authenticated during their sessions
  • Cookie
  • Session
  • Enables a Acuity Scheduling clients appointments to display correctly based on their time zone preferences.
  • localstorage
  • Persistent


Cookie name Duration Purpose
ss_cid Two Years Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitors sessions on a site
ss_cpvisit Two Years Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitors sessions on a site
ss_cvisit 30 minutes Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitors sessions on a site
ss_cvr Two years Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitors sessions on a site
ss_cvt 30 minutes Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitors sessions on a site